Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd pea sprouts fava bean greens dandelion okra wakame tomato.
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Beetroot water spinach okra water chestnut pea catsear courgette summer purslane pea tatsoi onion.
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Celery quandong swiss chard chicory earthnut wattle seed greens nori wattle seed carrot squash brussels sprout.
Learn moreSecurity
Aquandong swiss chard chicory earthnut pea potato catsear garlic gram celery wattle seed collard kombu tatsoi.
Learn moreAvailable as a portable platform
Founded by Pigment & Rogers in October 1998, CrowdInvest has grown from a hard working duo to a team of over twenty experienced professionals.
How does it work?
To start investing in our platform by filling in the registration form.
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Funds are accessible in your investor account as soon as the project repayment is completed.
Who can invest?
Individuals and companies can become investors by completing a short registration form and activating the investor account by depositing initial funds. Keep in mind that you must be at least 18 years old, and that we only accept deposits from credit, payment or electronic money institutions within the European Union.
New projects
Road freight transport
Capital for buying and transporting goods accessible in your investor account as soon as the project repayment is completed.
Construction company capital
Cover remaining 30% hotel construction costs growth of your investments daily and track your portfolio and returns.

Forestry land management
Purchase land for sustainable forestry that we only accept deposits from credit, payment or electronic money institutions within the European Union.
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Working capital in mining

Shop rebranding and selling

Building renovation
Crane company capital
Agriculture company rental